I have had me some pretty amazing epic fails in my life!! I’m not just talking about when I was in college, and I exited my car while it was still in drive or the time I decided to let my 4 and 6yo help me paint my bedroom. No, I have had so many fails I can’t keep track! But, in all seriousness, when I recall many of them, I am defining them based on a desired outcome that didn’t happen.
How do you evaluate whether you have succeeded or failed? I was reading the Scriptures and found myself challenged in how I define these terms.
Genesis introduces us to a faithful man by the name of Abraham. He had learned (not simply knew) to trust God even if he didn’t know exactly where he was going or what was going to happen. Circumstances didn’t always make sense to him, and he wrestled like we do, but it was these very situations that would teach Abraham how to rely on God. It was through the daily dose of life that would cause him to seek God and develop a trust that would bring hope and clarity to his mind, strength to his heart and courage to his days!
I wonder what current circumstances you are facing? Where are you currently being challenged?
In Gen.24, we are privy to a conversation between Abraham and his most trusted servant. Abraham was getting old and God pressed him to rely on this servant to go search for and find a wife for Isaac, his son (possibly every child’s greatest fear- HA!).
His servant immediately poses the “what if” question over finding her and being able to convince her to come back with him. After all, we can’t control others. Anyone relate? I often think these “what if” questions that haunt us are the “black hole” of trust, the obstacle of courage and the greatest case for procrastination.
Abraham immediately comforts him in reminding him what God had taught him over the many years. He responds, “If the woman is unwilling to come back with you, then you are released from this oath of mine…” v.8
Seems pretty simple, but I like to break things down a bit. Here’s my thought. When other people are involved, remember that God is not dependent on your performance to move the direction, decision and life of others. As He is working in and on the other party involved, He is challenging us to dig in and pray, be patient and follow through with what He says that is revealed through the Scriptures and His Spirit.
Let’s also remember that He is not dependent on our performance to complete what He wants to give you and I in this life as well as accomplish though us. Again, He only calls for our trust and follow through in what He gives. What area do you feel is all on you? Where are you feeling the weight of performance and perfection?
To go a step further, how do you define success? Is it based more on our following through with what God said to do and patiently waiting for His timing or is it based on the desired outcome happening the way we envisioned in our timing? If we haven’t been “successful” according to our definition of “success” is it because we are convinced, we haven’t done enough or been enough? Do we think we have failed God? We often put less emphasis on obedience and more on expecting a certain outcome within a certain time frame.
When I am enduring the growing pains of faith, I often find myself recalling all the many times in Scripture that people are successful in seeing what they expected from obeying Jesus, but I can easily forget the multiple examples of following God’s instructions, yet not seeing the desired outcome.
“Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you.” Jeremiah 1:17
“…when you tell them all this, they will not listen to you.” Jeremiah 7:27
Um, ok. So, what is this all about? This is about Jeremiah and God. Just like whatever you are facing is about you and God. Sometimes, the outcome will be exactly like what you envisioned! Sometimes, it will be about simply completing what was called forth and declaring success because you did what He said, not because the outcome was necessarily affirming.
Again, we see this in Ezekiel 2:7, 8, 3.6-9 “You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen….But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Surely if I had sent you to them, they would have listened to you. The people of Israel are not willing to listen to you because they are not willing to listen to me, for they are all hardened and obstinate.”
More examples include Paul and Barnabus in Acts…and the list goes on.
The whole point is we must be obedient to God and no matter the outcome, our great success and rest is in carrying out what He commanded each one of us to do! That is pretty counterculture!
Returning to Genesis, we find the other kind of outcome from obedience! The servant moves out in faith and prays to God for success in the mission, the kind of success that results in what we are hopeful to achieve.
“Make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.” Gen. 24:12
He is bold in asking God for specifics and God answers through sending the precious girl, Rebekah (Gen. 24:58)! Issac and Rebekah represented the next generation of God’s chosen people.
May we take comfort in obeying the One that loves us the most and ALWAYS remember that achieving our desired outcome is sometimes, but not always the meaning of success.
Success is confidently trusting and following the Father, knowing He is building in us what we need most in this life…faith!
There is such PEACE in that! Let’s conquer the day with the right mindset!
Love you all!