
Loss, Grief and Lament

Loss is something we struggle to put words to. It’s something that often feels like the “black hole” of the soul. A place where we feel the magnetic forces of sorrow pulling us into an unknown space for an uncertain amount of time.

Loss, be it death of a loved one; demise of a close relationship; a traumatic event or unexpected snatching of one’s health, can leave us feeling stunned and empty. There are hardly words to explain this phenomenon.

At times we find that there are no more tears to cry, so our body stores them up in our gut until our eyes find the strength to release the downpour of pain yet again.

Loss… What do we do with it? How do we cope? Where is God in the midst of such pain? Is it okay to feel so fragile, emotionally as well as in faith?

In an effort to be strong, we often stuff these questions down and trudge through the waters that threaten to engulf us. But

God tells us and even commissions us to pour our hearts out to Him.

“Trust in Him at all times, you people. Pour out your hearts to Him for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:8

I think it’s so important to remember that God has given us permission to question and struggle. He gives us permission to grieve.

He has devoted an entire book to this through Lamentations. An entire book on grieving. He knew how the fall of man coupled with the strikes of the enemy would cause us such pain.

He has not left us unequipped or without words. He has them expressed in Lamentations and other books, such as Psalms and Job.

God didn’t say to us that we should always be strong and be posititive during pain.

Actually, He wants honesty from us. In fact, He instructs those who are walking beside those who are in the freshness of suffering to be very careful

“Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar poured on a wound, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.” Prov 25:20

Let Him console and comfort you through His Words, His people and His songs that He gives to minister into our struggling hearts.

Buy Why? Why is this happening?

It is wrong to ask why? No, absolutely not! But in asking, please know that more than likely (and over time), God will answer the “what” and “where.” What do I do and where do I go from here.

He will also answer the “who” and “how.” How our very big God will restore you because He is a restorer of life. He will do this gradually and through beautiful and grace filled ways.

The crux of our faith rest on God’s grace and power. Life came from what was the greatest and darkest tragedy.

“Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you WILL restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.” Psalm 71:20

He brings life back to our days that may feel like nothing but “death.”

Dear Friends, in whatever you might be facing today, take comfort in the counsel of God, His help for today and His hope for tomorrow.

Feelings are very important and should be honored, especially in the beginnings of fresh pain. Might we also remember that they are incredibly fragile and “frazzled” when the unexpected occurs.

Share your heart and hurt with a friend and let them listen patiently and love you simply with their presence. Sometimes we just need someone’s presence. Sometimes their silence.

When desired, let that person pray for you and cover you in Gods grace. You are not alone and He is so much closer than it seems.

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” Zeph 3:17

Lastly, may we be confident that amidst a dark hour, a fresh day will come once again.

Rest your soul in His love…

“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14

Love you all,


All reactions:

22Lanie Dean, Charlotte Ann Buscher Jones and 20 others

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Encouragement in the Word

Real Life and The Scriptures

In a recent visit to Malta, a European island in the Mediterranean Sea, I was amazed at how the old ancient parts of yesterday met the new buildings and structures of today. The book of Acts (chapter 27) records a very detailed journey when the Apostle Paul was being transported to Rome. While enroute they encountered a fierce hurricane that shipwrecked them on Malta. Upon landing, the vessel was destroyed but all men alive and highly aware that God had saved them. In fact, everything that skilled sailors would normally use to have a successful journey had been useless this time. Eventually they had to toss everything overboard, including their food, in order to survive. I had been studying about this event in Scripture prior to setting sail on a cruise, completely oblivious that we would visiting this very island! I learned God will go to extreme links to reveal Himself and further emphasize what He is communicating. HA! The chasm of time has not taken away the commonality’s humans share over thousands of centuries. The ancient text offers a candid view of real life, teaching us how God interweaves Himself through celebrations, hardships and struggles. The men and women faced many challenges where they had to learn how to seek God and trust Him. They were flawed just like us, enduring seasons of pure delight and others of intense darkness and depression. “When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging, we finally gave up all hope of being saved.” Acts 27:20 During my praying, reading and picking apart this event in Acts, God revealed to me that in my current season of life, I would feel as if what usually worked in my self-sufficient manner of solving problems would no longer work. There would be a time of enduring where I would have to surrender my ability to control or fix the situation, and I would have to quietly lean on Him for guidance and strength. I would have to take one day at a time without total certainty of when this season would be over, but He wanted me to be certain that He was fully aware and in charge. “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4 Hope. Hope is not always defined as the promise to an end of “something” hard, but rather the rest that accompanies the release of “that something” into the hands of a holy and good God who has made Himself known to you. It’s trusting in and remaining certain of what He communicated in the Scriptures as you endure the “storm.” Enduring difficult seasons and waiting on, while trusting, God can sometimes feel like trying to cut grass with a pair of scissors in one hundred degree heat! Can anyone relate? In studying this very event in Scripture, God encouraged me that just like for the Apostle Paul, He would see me through and accompany me safely to the shores of hope. What was my responsibility? I must seek Him for His perspective. Humanly speaking it would be easy to let fear swallow me up in its vortex like force and high-pitched winds of “what if’s.” Seeking a mindset that is firm in God’s desire for goodness would be absolutely critical. Knowing the journey through is where the miraculous heart changes occur, would help keep me anchored. This was not simply something happening to me, but for me. The only way we grow in confidence in the living God is through trusting the very Words He speaks and letting them not only prove Him true, but prove us true. “Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.” Proverbs 30:5 What current waves might you be facing? Is your usual manner of solving problems working for you at this time? If not, might it possible that He is calling you to trust Him by shifting your perspective to align with His truth. Reject the human (fear based) catastrophic “what if’s” and lean into the journey. There is no question God is directing you to specific Scriptures. Which one is providing an anchor of hope for you? As I meditated on the Scriptures He was giving me, I began to experience hope that moved from my heart to my head. I wasn’t “out of the storm,” but I was very aware that He was sustaining me through it. I found myself desiring to share with others the hardship and the help. No life is intended to be a pretense of perfection, but an authentic display of growing in grace and a more purified portrait of our Savior. Love you all, td

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Encouragement in the Word

Shaping Us or Shutting Us Down? (Thoughts on Rejection)

“Before I was born the Lord called me; from my birth He has made mention of my Name. He said to me, “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display My splendor.” (v.16) I will never forget you. I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” Isaiah 49:1,3,8 The words of God spoken lovingly to his children. His intent is for us to remind ourselves of them and also be aware that certain things in our worlds can make us question our significance. Rejection, for one…Yikes, it hits us in our core, threatening our sense of belonging and making us question our worth and value. It’s not pretty and its definitely not fun. Why does it hurt so badly? Interestingly enough, I was reading an article that made it make perfect sense. It said, “When scientist placed people in functional MRI machines and asked them to recall a recent rejection, they discovered something amazing. The same areas of our brain become activated when we experience rejection as when we experience physical pain. That’s why even small rejections hurt more than we think they should, b/c they elicit literal emotional pain.” Rejection can make us question our worth as we often feel “thrown aside” or easily forgotten. Though that is not the truth, it can certainly seem that way. There is a temptation to shut down and listen to the mean thoughts the enemy invites us to accept. The thoughts that make us feel fearful or condemned. In hopes of oppressing us, he invites us to isolate and suggest that we make a personal pledge to build our wall higher and never let anyone “in” again. And I’ll be honest the long term “hibernation” can occasionally seem appealing. Depending on what stage of sadness I’m in usually is indicated by how much chocolate and caffeine is present. Ha! Back to pointing us in the right direction. I value how God is not some positive, push your feelings down self-help coach! He knows the problem that can lead to. Therefore, just like a good parent and/or knowledgeable counselor, God never minimizes our pain. Psalm 22 speaks into such hurt that has the potential to push us forward or prevent us from continuing with what He calls us to do. He beckons us to be honest with our struggles. “Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish? Do not be far from me, the trouble is near and there is no one to help. You are my strength; come quickly to help me.” Psalm 22: 1,11,19 God has never avoided our questions, nor does He discourage us to ask them. The psalmist poses questions that give us insight into his own internal struggles. Had God abandoned him? Was God rejecting him too? Was this rejection a sign of God’s discipline or perhaps even favor (as we see so many heroes of the faith went through enormous bouts of rejection, ex- David – 1 Samuel 16)? “For the Lord will NOT reject His people; He will never forsake his inheritance.” Psalms 94:14 “Before I was born the Lord called me; from my birth He has made mention of my Name. He said to me, “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display My splendor.” (v.16) I will never forget you. I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” Isaiah 49:1,3,8  We must remind ourselves of what God says and sees. God wanted you to know that He called you while still in your mother’s womb. The very first voice speaking into your life was His. You are not an accident. You are not less than! He formed you for intentional purpose as you and I would carry qualities of the living God into a needy world. He used imagery that we are familiar with to deepen understanding about his love for us. He engraved your name in the palm of his hand, burning your letters into the very tender layers of skin. “You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them and you listen to their cry; defending the fatherless and the oppressed, so that earthly mortals will never strike terror again.” Psalm 10:17-18. The enemy wants us to be victims, not overcomers. He wants us to get stuck in hate, bitterness, doubt and self-abuse. We have to be careful we don’t jump on board. Sounds extreme, but left undone, it can happen. In times of rejection, ask Jesus to give you, HIS perspective. Give Him time and prayer. Lean in and contemplate. Sometimes, God allows rejection because we began to replace a person for God. In other words, their opinions became our truth. We become somewhat emotionally dependent on a human. The temporary pain of the withdrawal of their friendship can protect us from a much bigger pain if we continue to seek people rather than God. His influence in our lives has to remain primary. He truly is the lover of our souls and cares the most deeply for us! He is not abandoning us but allowing rejection to redirect our affections and attention. He has things for us to know but we have to be with Him to hear. Sometimes, God allows rejection because He has a different plan for us and it may be necessary for certain doors to close in order for others to open. Sometimes rejection is a part of the process in order for us to continue growing in where God is taking us and who He is making us to be. What feels like pain, can be a pathway to a freedom that would not have otherwise been attained. “Since God intends to make you like Jesus, he will take you through the same experiences Jesus went through. That includes loneliness, temptation, stress, criticism, rejection, and many other problems.” Rick Warren At times, what we feel is rejection

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Encouragement in the Word

Will it Ever Change?

What do you think could never happen because you’ve exhausted all possible resources and help and still, nothing… Let’s rethink this!

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What Was It Like?

A New Year! We are entering a fresh twelve months; fifty-two weeks and three hundred and sixty-five days! So much can happen in a year and we are starting that journey right now! Have you ever contemplated what the “new year” was like for our spiritual ancestors? What might they have anticipated for their new year? What goals did they have or rather what goals did God have for them? How might we learn from them what God might have for us in our upcoming year? Gen. 6-9: Noah did not know his “new year” would bring a call to prepare a place of protection from God’s judgement. God would equip him for a project that would take somewhere between 55-75 years to complete. He would need a strong vision, a steadfast faith and some very tough skin as the culture around him would ridicule and demean him as he worked on this sizable project. Noah didn’t have to have validation and/or confirmation every week, month or year. He knew what God had said to do and he knew the importance of listening to His voice over all others. A new year brought forth a lifelong call that required vision and determination but not constant validation. What call has God given you, but you are letting insecurity and fear of what others will think keep you from acting on it? Let Noah and others encourage you. All you need is faith in Christ, the vision He has provided for the next step and a willingness to move alone if necessary. Jesus Said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40 1 Samuel 17: David entered a year but had no idea that one day in this “new year” he would be on the way to taking lunch to his brothers and have an opportunity to stand up to a powerful man insulting God. This brave act was the initial step that would eventually move him into a position of becoming a major leader and eventual king! People respect those who are not ashamed of their faith because many times it is proving they are not prone to bowing to man. Never underestimate a small task and how it can lead to a God sized endeavor~ A new year offers leadership that can only be accessed through the bold and brave risk of standing up for truth. “Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity…” Eph 5:15 “All those gathered will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s…” 1 Samuel 17:47 Gen. 30: Leah was married to a man who was in love with her beautiful sister, Rachel. Leah felt the incredible pain of constantly feeling “less than.” God saw Leah’s loneliness and deep insecurity and chose to bless her womb with a son. In those days, fertility meant God’s blessing was on you and it also provided financial security. Leah had no idea she would become pregnant at the start of the year. God went above and beyond for this precious woman and continued to bless her with a total of six sons who would make up half of the tribes that created the kingdom of Israel. A new year brought new life. God sees your hurt and knows who is attempting to make you feel unloved or not seen. He sees you and is your great reward. Never underestimate what He might have planned for you in this upcoming year! “Do not fear…I am a shield to you; Your reward will be very great.” Genesis 15:1 “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” Isaiah 49:16 Neh 1: Nehemiah was living a very comfortable life. Things were going well for him. He had no idea that entering this particular “year” would alter his heart and lead to his most meaningful work yet. In asking a simple question about the welfare of his people and his community back home, God would change the direction of his life. Nehemiah responded and eagerly left his comfortable life in order to carry out kingdom work that would help in rebuilding the city but also spiritually rebuilding the people. He encouraged God’s people and reminded them of God’s goodness and power, even in the difficulties of life. Great work was accomplished! God uses “new” years to turn willing and ordinary servants into outstanding leaders that will impact their communities and strengthen the faith of His people. “Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering Your Name.” Neh. 1:11 Esther 5: Esther, raised as an orphan, had no idea that in one of her “new” year’s, she would be challenged to exercise bold faith and stand up to the King in order to save the people from a plan intended to kill them. Esther had a humble start to life. She had no idea God would use her in such an amazing way. A new year calls for the courageous to stand up and stand strong. Many were saved because of her actions. How can we passionately stand up for our own generation and the generations below us? Faith grows in the soil of courage and this generation is hungry to see believers “believe!” “And also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the Gospel.” Eph 6:19 Friends, God cares so much about the condition of our hearts, the work of our hands and the impact of our voice! He ministers to the deepest need we have and desires to direct our steps so that our lives not only bear external abundant fruit, but even more so flourish internally! Let us enter this new year with

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Encouragement in the Word

The Time Frame of Hope on the Journey

I’m notorious for traveling to places that I am SO EXCITED about it, but don’t really know how to get there!! Before GPS, I was extremely challenged with maps, but that never stopped this destination driven diva!!! I’m all for adventure!! I would call my husband and with some nervous giggles tell him I didn’t know exactly where I was or how to get to where I wanted to go! I was kind of lost. This put me in a quandary because I love to impulsively travel but I want to get there FAST!! I’m kind of like this in my spiritual life! Ha! Scripture has some help for those of us who aren’t very patient… “When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” 18 So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle. Exodus 13:17-18 God had a very good place He was guiding His people to, but time and faith would be required. Sometimes, God leads us on an unexpected and lengthier route because we aren’t ready and our faith isn’t strong enough to go the quicker route. Though this other way was longer, some would grow in their trust of God as He planned, pre-equipped and designed them to. Others would complain and doubt every challenge faced. They wouldn’t become more skilled, spiritually equipped and strengthened but more cynical and angry. They deserved better and when their pride surpassed their position under the authority of God, they found the wretched days of yesterday (slavery in Egypt) better than walking in faith and not knowing the exact path ahead, which happened to be one that was going to take them to a very good place! You see, we often determine how long we remain hopeful based on the time frame we give God to make it happen. This is often why we grow in unbelief instead of faith. Time ticks, faith is tested, belief runs out! “Guess it wasn’t meant to be,” we mumble under our breath. Move on. Disappointment is suppressed, once again. Has God ever taken you or a loved one what seemed like the longer way? What did you learn? Sometimes He is protecting us from what we are not yet ready to handle. Sometimes He is guarding us from the condemnation of our own selves with future self blame or doubt, should we take the faster way. Sometimes, He is developing us and building a character quality that is going to require some breaking down of what’s standing in the way of the new He is ready to develop within us or our loved ones. And at times, He is doing a work in someone else and we must develop our strategy in waiting. Which Israelite would you be? Angry, cynical and wanting to “throw in the towel,” or steadfast, looking for His Presence and enduring in prayer knowing time is a huge part of God’s training. Let’s evaluate where we are; praise God for taking us the route He knows is what we need and begin aligning our perspective with belief and hope. Keep At It! td

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